Every Sunday at 9:30 + 11:00 AM

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Full Circle


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

-Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)


Have you ever wanted something so bad that you begin to plan it all out? You know exactly what to do and how to get it. What about when it all falls apart and things start to crumble and fall because the way you saw it didn’t quite work out the way you wanted it to. This Sunday we started a new series called full circle and today we talked about promises from God and how our vision either blocks us or moves us. It is time for us to see the promises from God and grab hold of them. I underlined you and God because it is YOU that blocks what GOD is trying to release.  It is not our vision but His that will be victorious.


Pastor Aram begins talking about those ads we see on TV where the people are working out and completely ripped and they tell you that you can also be ripped in 5 minutes and they provide the meal plans. He calls the number and gets all excited. The package arrives and he starts the plan but because he had no endurance he gave up and there were no results. 


“The bible is full of promises from God. He supplies the promise, but you have to supply the persistence.”-Pastor Aram


We get excited about promises but during the path to get there we meet opposition and give up before we ever make it to the promise. We have to understand that vision is not produced by our eyes but produced by our spirit. By knowing Him the eyes of our heart become enlightened. We can only see the promise by becoming more spiritual aware. Sight deals with where we are in the natural and if we live by natural sight we will become limited to where we are. We can never get to a place that we cannot see with our heart. Vision is a power that takes us from where we are to where God wants us to be. We just have to tap into Gods eternal perspective. If we can see it and believe it than we can achieve it. God’s word paints a picture on our heart to see who we are and what God has provided for us. He has already supplied it and is just waiting on us to see it. Most of us lose sight of what God wants for us because our natural mind will never agree to the promise God has for our life. 


“Fear and worry is the boogeyman in my tomorrow that doesn’t exist”-Pastor Aram


For the Lord is a great God,

    and a great King above all gods.

In his hand are the depths of the earth;

    the heights of the mountains are his also.

The sea is his, for he made it,

    and his hands formed the dry land.

-Psalm 95:3-5 (ESV)


“In his hand are the depths of the earth…” We can only fit so much into our own hands but it all fits into God’s hand. We have to change our perspective and then our lives can change. If we become spiritually nearsighted we never see the promise om the other side of our obstacle. Because of this, we become stuck and give up. Nothing and no one can touch us when we are living out His purpose for our lives. We need to have a God sized visions! 


In order to fight with purpose we have to spend time with God. We have to allow ourselves to make it a priority to get into God’s word and prayerfully seek His vision for us. We will always have troubles but if we stay focused and give it to God then we will never give up. If we have no vision than we wander around with no purpose and we will die where we are. 


Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,

    but blessed is he who keeps the law. 

-Proverbs 29:18 (ESV)


Today I pray for you. 

I pray for your vision too.

I pray for peace and joy.

I pray for protection so the enemy cannot destroy.

I pray that your sight teaches you to obey and that when in doubt you will also pray.

I ask God to guide Your heart and paint the vision of His purpose in Your life.

I ask that you place worry and fear in God’s hand so He can make it right. 

I hope that persistence and obedience brings your vision to light.

I hope you give Him thanks at the end of every night.

Thank You Father for purpose and thank You Lord for my sight.

Thank You God for Victory in every natural fight.

Show me my vision Father and let it shine bright.


In Jesus name,

