Every Sunday at 9:30 + 11:00 AM

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A journey in faithfulness

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof,

    the world and those who dwell therein

-Psalm 24:1 (ESV)


You will either honor God with your wealth or honor your wealth as your God”-Pastor Aram


Wouldn’t you agree that we all, for the most part, have nice things or want nice things? If we don’t have it then we just save up money and get it or we talk about wanting it until we actually have it and then we move on to the next. Last Sunday Pastor Aram said several things that keeps striking the chords of my heart. “ Nothing is ours and everything is His.” Every little thing is His. I repeat that daily as I go on about my week and then I hear him say it again today. It truly brings a new perspective on how I look at my entire life and the things in it. Every thing is His, I whisper quietly to myself. Thank You Lord. Thank You for this gift. Thank You for this life. Thank You for my church. I could go on with praise because it is simple words of gratitude that begin to bring me such joy. I sow thankfulness; I reap thankfulness. 


Bless the Lord, O my soul,

    and all that is within me,

    bless his holy name!

-Psalm 103:1 (ESV)


Then I remember his bottom line summary of last week that I didn’t write down so I am paraphrasing when I say, “America is not poor, even some who are less fortunate walk around with expensive cell phones and have flat screens on their walls. America doesn’t have a money problem, we have a spending problem.”  We make decisions daily on what we have time and money for. How must our God feel when we don’t make time for Him or give back what is rightfully His because we aren’t faithful enough? 


I begin to replay today’s sermon. How does one summarize a beautiful illustration of tithe and offering? A subject that too often makes people uncomfortable and even causes them to leave churches. Tithe means tenth, meaning we return ten percent of our increase back to God (what God has already given us). Anything greater than that ten percent is our offering. How we give determines how we receive. 


The power is in the core. The power of what is in our hands is already God’s and when we start to comprehend that then we are able to give without fear and know without a doubt that God is our provider. It isn’t about getting rich but it is about honoring God for who He is. It is about our hearts and where God is in it. When we put Him in His proper place and praise Him for who He is than it will be done; His will be done. If you believe God is your healer than you will be healed. If you believe God is your provider than He will provide. Trust God. 


You can count the seeds in an apple but you cannot count the apples you can get from the seeds.”-Pastor Aram


Don’t worry about tomorrow because God is already there. I can promise you this from my own testimony of faith in tithes and offering. I haven't and don't always tithe and offer the way I should and I know it. I am also working on walking in obedience daily. Offering brings harvest and our tithe puts a fence around it.


I was a single mother for 4 years and there were times that I would give my very last dime from my check and receive it back. I was granted promotions and raises and random gifts of kindness were done for me throughout those years. I never wanted for a thing and rarely praised God for it. He is a God that waits on us to return to Him no matter how many times we stray. My husband and I struggled at one point and God led him to a new career and then gave me a wonderful job. A good friend once told me that with every child she was blessed with, that God also provided a loaf of bread and that even with one income they never stopped their tithe. It was that statement that led me to my decision in staying at home with our son. It doesn’t make sense on paper and never makes sense, but we are sacrificing “things” and watching our God provide each week with that loaf of bread. 


Be fruitful, multiply, and give it back to God so He can bless us in return and increase it. Every thing in our life is created to be used to bring glory and honor to God. He loves us, oh, how he loves us. Give to receive and have faith enough to believe that He will provide for you because He is a provider. Tithe and offering are never meant to be scary or harsh realities of laws. Tithe and offering isn’t meant to build stuff in a church but to save souls in cities and nations all around. Let’s start using what God has blessed us with to be a blessing. Let’s start giving to God what belongs to Him and receive what He has made available for us. Let’s start serving Him with everything that is within us. 


The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. 

-2 Corinthians 9:6-8(ESV)



Thank You for everything You have provided for us even when we didn’t deserve it. Thank You for allowing us to see Your word and witness Your great works in our lives. Thank You for giving us back more than we give and pushing us to offer better. Help us become obedient in our tithes and offerings. Help us to become better and not bitter. May we all plant seeds and reap much of a harvest with our trust in You. You are a good, good Father. We praise You.

In Jesus name,


Sarah Bournique