Every Sunday at 9:30 + 11:00 AM

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Obligatory Gift

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
-Romans 12:1-2 (ESV)

I used to be that person who told every one under the sun how I didn’t need church. I used to be the person that reasoned with myself as to why staying in on Sunday morning was more beneficial for my relationship with God than finding another church family. I surrounded myself with like minded people and positivity and knew for certain that was good enough. I studied the bible on my own time, prayed every free, frustrated, or praising moment I had, and did good deeds. I volunteered my time when I could and where I wanted.

God had portions of myself that I was willing to give but I never gave Him all of me.

I began feeling comfortable in my relationship with Christ and like any relationship, comfort means lazy. We should always be growing and changing and challenging our relationships, especially with Christ. I prayed and He led me to Activation Church. I was filled with joy, hope, grace and mercy. I was filled with purpose. The more I got involved; the more God was involved with me. Before I knew it my husband was attending, he started playing the drums, I got a job at the perfect time when we prayed for finances, and the best gift of all was finding out we were pregnant after convincing myself we couldn’t. Now, I quit that very job God blessed me with to raise the gift He answered with. He provides at all times when our faith is fearless. From attending, to serving, to greeting, to tithing, to leading a study on Wednesdays, I am plugged in with joy and I reap my harvest daily while sewing new seeds. I honestly feel like instead of begging God that I can just ask my Father. The closer I am to Him and serving, the closer He feels to me.

There isn’t a Sunday that goes by that I don’t wake up full of joy and ready to receive the word at Activation… Who am I kidding, there are plenty of Sunday’s where I don’t want to smile and greet those walking in. There are plenty of Sunday’s I fear that once that money goes to the Church I won’t even want to check our account. There are plenty of Sunday’s my eyes are tired, my body is weak, and my every being wants to just enjoy a relaxing morning at home. Once I get over those feelings and allow God to take hold of my heart, then I know for certain it was His will and not my way.

This morning Pastor Aram spoke of obligation. He spoke of motives behind reasons and doing things because we felt we had to rather than because we wanted to. Don’t you want a gift out of love rather than guilt? Don’t you want a touch from love rather than routine? Don’t you want a kiss from passion rather than force? We know for certain that when God sent His son to die on the cross for our sins that He did it with joy and not obligation.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
-2 Corinthians 9:7 (ESV)

When we begin to understand all that Jesus gave up so we could live, than we begin to experience and see things differently. We have all done things for the church or served because we feel it is what God wants from us rather than what we want to do.We have all bought that gift for someone because we felt we had to, or gone to that event because we felt we had to…We need to reach a place where we know the difference between our flesh doesn’t feel like it, yet our spirit leaps for joy. We need to reach a place where we can just say no or yes and do it with truth and happiness and not guilt or obligation. When we look at Malachi 1:6-10 we see where God wants us to sacrifice our best to Him not whats left for HIm.

Everything is God’s and He has given it to you and I to be blessed by it and if we honor Him than He will bless us. This is summarized by 3 scriptures below:

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof,
the world and those who dwell therein
-Psalm 24:1 (ESV)
The heavens are the Lord's heavens,
but the earth he has given to the children of man.
-Psalm 115:16 (ESV)
Honor the Lord with your wealth
and with the firstfruits of all your produce
-Proverbs 3:9(ESV)

It is all His and nothing belongs to us. How do we respond to a Father who has done so much for us? Will we continue to do things because we want recognition or feel pressure or guilt? If we can’t give it our all and put forth joy than how will we ever receive the gift with gratitude and be blessed by the blessing?


Today I pray You move within me from love and joy. Show me the things I need to shut the door on and open up new doors of honor and respect to You. Father lead me away from obligation and allow me to open my arms up to the Heavens and praise Your works on Earth. When my flesh feels weak I know my spirit will make me strong. Thank You for the ultimate sacrifice of Your son so that I may live.

In Jesus name,
