Every Sunday at 9:30 + 11:00 AM

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God with us - Part one


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Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 

-Genesis 1:26 (ESV)


May each of you find purpose and be productive in His image. 


There were multiple words that rang so much truth today while Pastor Aram spoke. Here are a few I jotted down. Shift, change, spirit, connection, obedience, transformation, design, and value. I learned today how and why the enemy wants to destroy us. Satan was an angel of God until he tried to be like God. We were created to be LIKE GOD. He wants to destroy our purpose. Our purpose carries a power that Satan cannot touch; however, he plays a huge role in attempting to steal that from us. 


“Jesus’ image was destroyed beyond recognition so that our image could be restored.” - Pastor Aram 


There are three things found in Genesis 3 that show how the enemy attacks our purpose and identity.


  1. “Did God really Say” (Genesis 3:1). The enemy will always try to get you to question the Word of God. If he can disconnect you from The Word, he can disconnect you from your purpose. It is The Word of God that brings life, correction and direction. We must not live off of hear-say but live off of the Word of God so that we know His truth in us. 


  1. The enemy will try to get us to question our identity. We cannot become victims of our mistakes or sins but turn to Jesus, repent, and move forward by the steps of the Lord to discover all we were created for. We must rest in the fact that we are children of God and nothing less. 


  1. The enemy will try to shift our focus. In Genesis 3:6 you will see that Eve’s attention is diverted to the fruit and when she saw that it was pleasant to the eye and good for food, she ate the fruit.


But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. 

-James 1:14-15 (ESV)


Pastor Aram reminded us that we have to stay focused of the things of God and not the world. We are in this world but not of this world. We have to meditate on Him and His Word.


My favorite quote of the day from Pastor Aram was this, “Get over yourself; you are not that Holy.” What a perfect reminder that we are all human and born of sin. 


We must not wear a mask of hidden identity on who people think we should be. We have no power to judge or condemn but to love and share His love. We cannot survive without the presence of God which is Vital to our value on Earth. God is the only one that can redeem our time and bring us back to where we need to be and people we need to touch through His presence. We must remain connected to the Father to bring joy, peace, and healing to others. We must shift and change so that God can work in us and through us. 


He is with you and He is with me. Let us be the light He asks us to be. 


Sarah Bournique