Every Sunday at 9:30 + 11:00 AM

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God with us - Part 4


Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

-Revelation 3:20 (ESV)


Knock, knock.

Whose there?

It’s God. 

It’s God who?

The God who wants to live in YOU!


It somehow seems like our lives become so busy that we forget exactly how to prioritize our minds to catch up to our bodies. Today, Pastor Aram spoke on the truth of time and how we really place Jesus in our lives. We had an example of how Jesus knocks on our door and we let Him in only to place Him in a closet. We go see Him on Sunday’s and Wednesday’s and definitely reach for Him in times of need. We very rarely let Him out first thing in the morning or during our hectic schedules throughout the week. We look for joy and peace and grace and mercy in people and things, but this can only be found in the presence of Jesus living in us. 

We must become aware of the presence we carry. We cannot allow ourselves to become so busy and distracted that we miss out on God. Many of us intend to spend time with Him, but when it is all said and done, we just don’t have time.

Pastor Aram took us to the story in Luke 10:38-42 where Jesus enters into the house of Martha. Her sister Mary was with her and Mary stayed at the feet of Jesus and listened to His teachings. Martha was distracted by serving Jesus in her home (as many of us would do the same). She became upset with her sister and asked the Lord if he cared that her sister left her to serve alone. He told her that she was troubled with many things and that Mary chose the good portion which would not be taken away from her. How many of us would be so concerned with how our home looked while Jesus was there that we also would miss out on His teachings?


We must take the time to make time for God. - Pastor Aram

What are the things in our life that we can begin to put aside? How can we better spend our time with Jesus? It is the little things that can help us begin to shift. Maybe it is as simple as worshiping on the drive to work or praying while in traffic. Maybe we can begin opening the bible app instead of reading the latest feed on social networks. Where are our priorities at? 

Let us begin to make plans and develop a pattern to place God first. We must remember that just because something in our life may not be evil doesn't mean its beneficial. What are we filling our lives with and is it really adding to it? If not, let’s cut it off. When we make room for Jesus He begins to do amazing things. 

The kingdom of God matters and I am going to give my life to it because Jesus gave His life for me.- Pastor Aram 


God began to knock on the door. 

I let Him in because I wanted more.

Little did I know I only let Him in to shut Him out.

He wanted all of my life but I only gave Him some.

I wanted the presence of the Lord but kept finding none.

I am busy and distracted by the ways of my life.

Disappointing my Father like a child reaching for a knife. 

I yearn for more of His word and praise and desire.

I want to be the light of this world and start a Godly fire. 

Come on Lord, take me higher.

I pray to be disciplined enough to experience heaven on Earth.

Show me Father what I am worth.

I pray to be rearranged and changed. 

I’m opening every door. 

I am discerning the demand.

Not because the world says I can’t 

But because Your word says I can!

Sarah Bournique