Every Sunday at 9:30 + 11:00 AM

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Built to Win

Today I sat in church as Pastor Aram spoke about David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:19-49 and my mind went back 6 years to the moment I was faced with my own giant. It was September of 2011 when I received the news that my immune system was hit with MRSA, which is staph on steroids. By the time I received the diagnosis my face had already developed a huge abscess due to a previous misdiagnosis. As I sat in the hospital bed I began to pray that God would heal me.


I was told I couldn't see my daughter and no one from my family was allowed to enter into my infectious disease of a room to see me. I sat in the hospital bed remembering the times God pulled me through my difficult situations and I knew I was created for so much more. I knew that if I could just push through and overcome this sickness that I would walk out my Christ driven life and fulfill His purpose for me.


My God is and will always be bigger than any circumstance.


Moments after a prayer from Bishop Alan, of East West Church, the doctors came in with an unknown and new medicine that started to heal my sickness. It was in that moment that I was ready to walk forward knowing that I could face whatever giant came my way. 


We were created for Victory. We were created not just to survive but to thrive. We are far more than conquerors. Do you not feel empowered just by reading those promises from God? In the story of David and Goliath we see many different oppositions that he faces. It was David’s faith that allowed him to turn away from negative comments in verse 30. It was his attitude in verses 45-47 that demonstrated confidence in the Lord and not his own ability which led him to victory. 


 Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”

-1 Samuel 17:45-47 (ESV)


If only we as a nation and as people in general would walk in this attitude of life. We lose because we don't understand the spirit of God that is living inside of us. When opposition comes our way we shouldn’t draw back, but run towards it. Circumstance will always say we are done, we are finished, but if we remember the goodness of God from our past Giants and know He is with us, than we can overcome every single battle in our life. We cannot allow the harsh parts of our story to create the ending for us but know that Jesus died for us so we can have the ultimate ending! It is the application of His word that works in our life. 


Below are the 4 keys and added notes of wisdom that Pastor Aram brought to light so we can win again and again. 


Ecclesiastes 3 begins like this : For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…


  1. Champions excel where they are: How we act in our current season of life will determine our next one. Sometimes we only see where we want to be so we ignore our current season. We will never get what we go for until we learn to excel where we are. Enjoy the moment. The next level will come. Don’t be lazy. We sew good seeds and reap good harvest. Let us do all things with excellence and not get weary while doing so. 


  1. Winners are reward oriented: Jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before him. When David came to battle he knew the reward before offering himself to fight. We have to stop doing things that have no benefit. Stop doing things that are not adding to where we are heading. Pastor Aram’s father used to tell him if it is not helping you physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or financially than you don’t need it. Everything we do must be done with purpose. We must not be busy doing nothing but figure out what God wants us to do and do it. Aim high with a target in mind and ask, “is what I’m doing adding to where I want to be?” Faith without works is dead. Are the people we surround ourselves with helping or hurting? Set boundaries and standards and stick with it. 


“Success is not an accident but a planned result”-Pastor Aram


  1. Champions think differently than other people think: See solutions and not problems. How we think will always determine our outcome. Israel saw and obstacle, but David saw an opportunity. Israel saw a giant that was too big to kill, while David saw a giant too big to miss. The way you think is important!


  1. Champions don’t entertain negative voices: We have to learn to turn away from negative voices. We must not allow it to control our thoughts or dreams. We cannot feed into it or allow it to feed on us. When David’s brother spoke to him with negativity, David turned away from him and continued on. Wear the full armor of God and let Him fight it out for us. 


The bottom line is that we were created to win and wherever we are is not where God has intended us to be. We must constantly be doing more. Never settle in comfort. Be blessed to be a blessing. Until God takes us let’s keep pressing! 




There is no giant too big or too small that You cannot help us overcome. Lord, take us to a place where we can turn away when we are told we cant. Take us to a place where we can remove people and actions from our life that don’t benefit us in our journey to Your kingdom. Thank You for defeating every battle. Thank You for the strength we receive during the fight and the testimony that helps lead others to see Your light. 


In Jesus name,




We were built to win!